The three cities of Delhi

26 december 2011 - Delhi, India


26th of December

The three cities of Delhi

Safe, not so safe and annoying.

Delhi Secretariat StationConnaught PlaceOld DelhiOld Delhi traffic

The Delhi metro system is like a city in itself. Safety control is better than your average airport. It’s a safe way of travelling and a nice place to get rid off the touts that will follow you around in annoying Delhi, which is everything from Old Delhi to Connaught Place. When you get out off the metro system at Connaught Place, make sure you get to The Imperial Hotel fast. An oasis of peace and quiet and yes you do feel like an expat and I’m not ashamed to admit, it’s rather enjoyable...of course the food is excellent, and, more importantly, safe! Don’t want to get the famous Delhi Belly!

The Imperial HotelOld Delhi Red Fort

Walking back via Janpath market. It’s actually fun to admire the inventive scams the touts have to get your money. Yes we are considered to be one big walking ATM machine. Who blames them. First question is Hello where are you from, second is Where are you going. First just nod politely and walk on. They will ask again. Then say some nonsense like I am from Mars and am going to the blue room. After that just answer in Klingon or try to sell something yourself. If that doesn’t help just ignore them and look scary. According to Nienke I do look scary with my three day beard and dark glasses.

Then there is this beautiful Delhi with lots of ancient history and big large parks where everyone gathers around to talk and eat. Yes that’s what Delhiites do. 24/ 7! Hindi, Sikhs and Muslims all live together, but when you look closely there is no interaction whatsoever. And the safety control at the metro system is to prevent these religions from blowing each other up. So let me rephrase Delhi: interesting and apparently safe...for the moment...

Old Delhi alleyOld Delhi Red Fort

Tomorrow morning we have to get up early to take the train to Jaipur. It is a 5-hour ride through the Rajasthan desert.


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2 Reacties

  1. Irma lommers:
    27 december 2011
    Leuk om jullie verslagen te lezen. Ben benieuwd hoe het jullie in Jaipur vergaat. Hoe jullie het hoofd gaan bieden aan alle verkopers van edelstenen, echte "blockprints" en mogelijk nog meer zaken. Wij zijn op gegeven moment in de taxi blijven zitten en hebben de gids verteld terug naar ons hotel te willen.

    Alvast de beste wensen en tot in het nieuwe jaar.


    Irma en Siegfried
  2. henk:
    27 december 2011
    Oplossing citatenpuzzel: Met het vrije woord als ons sterkste wapen zullen wij met elkaar menselijkheid en veiligheid laten winnen van vrees en haat
    Hoe was de treinreis naar Jaipur?